Sunday, September 27, 2015

Hotel Living

I think I've probably mentioned before that I like staying in hotels...but there are somethings for which hotel living is woefully inadequate.

Times Not To Be in a Hotel
Have you ever been stuck due to weather at an airport?

Checking in for one night at a airport-based hotel can really suck...especially when you have to get up at 4:00 am to get back to the airport to take the earliest flight home.

Have you ever been sick in a hotel?...I mean the "I-just-want-my-mother" kind of sick?

I had food poisoning or some stomach virus (the kind where you just KNOW you're going to die) for about 22 hours once while staying in a hotel, and let me tell you, it sucked. I mean it's not like you can order chicken broth, saltine crackers and ginger ale from most hotel restaurants at 2:00 in the morning.

With all the media attention on bed bugs, hotels can get a little itchy...even if only in the imagination.

I check the bed in every hotel room I go into now. I can't even imagine what I'd do if I brought bed bugs home with me some day.

And of course, there's the loud adjoining room neighbors, the less-than-clean places behind some commodes, and the ever-dreaded toilet paper touched by a housekeeping staff just so they could fold it into a triangle for you. Uh...thanks.

Current Knitting
Now that things are calming down a bit and get a little more routine, I've picked up the cashmere lace project again, and I have decided to make the Black Bunny Fiber sock my traveling project.

You'll see I finished another repeat on the lace project. It took me a row or two of nupps to get back into the swing of doing them again.

This sock pattern (from a Regia/Kaffe Fasset bookelt) is a bizarre pattern where you knit everything except the top of the foot, and then go back and do a mitered rectangle insert. You'll see I'm almost up to the toe on the first sock. BTW, the pattern is almost indecipherable. Each time I come to a new section of the sock, I have to read it three or four times to try and figure out what it means.

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