Wednesday, September 9, 2015


Among other large projects I am working on behind the scenes here, I have recently been finishing up a new sweater design out of the very lovely Brooklyn Tweed Shelter yarn in the Hayloft colorway.

I have run into a few snags with this yarn that have made for a few interesting and funny stories that I will be sure to share on my upcoming podcast episode for this month.

Despite all of that however, I have to say.. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with this yarn. 
Its rugged, and beautiful, and just feels... good to knit with. 

This cardigan has some very special little details that I am not ready to fully reveal just yet, so I will leave you with this little collection of annoyingly vague, close-up shots from today. :) 

Because I am mean like that.

I'm on the home stretch.
This sweater just needs some final finishing touches. 
Thank goodness I have my little "helper" to lend a hand. :)

Oh.. and please do disregard the pile of laundry lurking in the background. :)

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