More Enlightened Than Last Week
Okay...a confession...I have been cheating on my knitting.
New Toy...Awesome Book
There's nothing like technological toys to rip me away from knitting.
I finally couldn't resist the ridiculously low prices on eReaders (both Kindle and Nook) and I ended up buying a Nook from Barnes & Noble.
I'm very happy I did, and even more so, I'm glad that the first book I purchased and finished reading was "Breakfast With Buddha" by Roland Merullo. It's a delightful read, and even helped to move me along my path of life-learning this go-around. The book was recommended by my sister-out-of-law...well, not exactly recommended, but she mentioned it as a possibility for her book club, and I jumped on the idea.
The book was perfect for the new eReader...a real page-turner, so to speak.
Current Knitting
I think I've completed a total of four rows on the sleeves.
I'm so ashamed.
Look!...picture of Nico!!!!!
Knitters' Comments/Questions
Tom asks, "Speaking of bedspreads, what ever happened to the tablecloth?"
Tom is, of course, asking about the crochet Queen Anne's Lace tablecloth I started back in September of 2007. I had been successfully able to ignore this WIP for a while now. I still have to go back and fix a couple of screw-ups before I can finish that one. I can't promise anything at this point when I have my other lace project to work on newer, shinier lace project made of cashmere!
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