Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Finished Objects of 2007

Well, It is the last day of 2007! The year has certainly flown by! I've realized that I am always so concerned with how much knitting I have to do but sometimes I think that I should reflect on all that I have accomplished. The end of 2007 has allowed me to look back on the year and count up all of my finished objects. Here is the rundown.....

I have completed in 2007:

5 baby/toddler sweaters
7 baby/toddler hats
2 headbands
2 pairs of mittens
2.5 pairs of adult socks
3 pairs of toddler socks
2 adult sweaters
4 dishcloths
3 felted bags
1 felted diaper bag
1 camisole
1 thong
1 crocheted purse
1 knitted lace bag
1 tea cozy
1 teddy bear
1 teddy bear sweater
8 scarves
6 adult hats
2 knitted flowers
1 pair of gauntlets
1 caplet
1 wrist band
1 lace shawl
1 pair of baby booties
1 shawl
1 felted box
2 pairs of adult slippers
1 pair of toddler slippers
2 pairs of leg warmers

Bringing the grand total to 66 completed items! (And no, I didn't count the 1 sock that doesn't have a mate.)

So, thinking about the 66 items makes me feel really good. I have a nice collection of hand knit things around the house and all my friends and family have at least one hand knit item from me. I guess that it makes me realize that I actually AM accomplishing something.

I also added up all of the finishing and repair jobs I did over 2007.

I seamed/finished:

6 adult sweaters
1 tank top
5 baby sweaters
5 miscellaneous small projects
I also repaired 5 afghans

I unfortunately still have 6 unfinished objects:

a project for a customer (a kitchen aid stand mixer cover)
Ava's red Smock Coat ARRRRGGGHH I have to work on that!
my crocheted Leaves Sweater
my Tilted Duster
my Klaralund sweater
Ava's Seedling sweater

Right now they are all on the back burner because I am working on a Top Secret project to submit to The rules state that I am not supposed to blog about the project or pattern until it shows up in the issue, if it ever does. I'm really excited about it. I've never done anything like this before! I thought I might as well give it a try! The deadline is Jan 5th and I just decided that I wanted to do this so I have really been knitting every chance I get to get this all done. If Knitty decides that the pattern is not their thing then I will just put the samples on display at The Scarlet Skein and make a class out of it! You see, I am thinking positively. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.

My knitting goals for 2008:


I wish that I could tell you that this is all of it. But that would be lying. There is actually more....
I think I have a problem. So anyways.... yeah, 2008 Im gonna knit it. Or most of it, at least. :)

I'd also really like to submit a pattern every quarter to Knitty. I have some good ideas and I think it will be really fun. We'll see how this one goes though.

Coming up next!

Illustrations by Jill Zielinski Designs.

I have a new pattern coming out soon! It's a pair of fingerless mitts called Oak Grove and I am very excited about them! I will be posting all of the pattern information within the week. For now.. here is a sneak peek

It's 2009 Already?

I can't believe it! Its the beginning of a new year. What would a "January 1st blog post" be without the previous year's knitting recap...?

First there are the gifts. These are the things I made for friends and family members.
It is always nice to give a handmade gift. All of these things were welcomed and appreciated by the recipient.

My father in law wears the slippers I made him constantly.
My husband has washed and worn his "Rustic Cables" cap several several times over the year.. (well I did the washing..) It has held up fantastically by the way.

And the Knitted Babe that I made for my niece is very much loved and she is quite content at her new home.

As for the Dad Sweater... it's still waiting for its zipper which had to be special ordered. Yes, my Dad still hasn't received his sweater, hopefully soon. But the sweater is finished and if he doesn't like it.. well.. there will be problems.

(Modeled shots coming your way soon!)

Speaking of sweaters... I've completed 7 sweaters/knitted tops for myself this year!
My favorites are the Lush and Lacy, Tilted Duster, and Cap Sleeved Eyelet Top. I've worn my Tilted Duster dozens of times now. I'm so glad that I made a sweater that has gotten so much use. I have only worn my Terese Sweater twice. Unfortunately its not a sweater that goes with many outfits.. : ( But it still is pretty.

I have strangely only knit 2 scarves for myself this year... Guess I'm not a scarf knitter..?
But I have worn them a lot and wish that I had made more!

I have however knit many pairs of socks.. and all of them are miiiine!

I wear hand knit socks nearly every day. The worsted weight Basic Socks get the most use, and the Evening Stockings are worn the least. They are just too pretty to wear under pants and they unfortunately get a little saggy with wearing which is annoying. The Rainbow Socks have held up the best, and the Pomatomus although my favorite are currently out of commission.

Only one pair of fingerless mitts this year.. don't know why. I like them a lot, they keep my hands surprisingly warm!

I like all of the projects I have mentioned so far, but I LOVE the projects I have knit for my daughter this year. There is something about knitting for little ones. It's just fun and gratifying to make tiny things. And its so sweet to see the excitement of giving a small child a new knitted surprise.

I love the toys the most. They were the most fun to knit. The hats have turned out to be very practical since she wears them all of the time, and that seed stitch coat is still gorgeous, but sadly too small... All of that work... such little payoff.

The Legwarmies that I designed ended up being a huge hit on Ravelry! There are so many projects!

Well that wraps up 2008.

This year I plan on changing things up a bit. I have big plans for myself and my knitting.

You'll have to keep reading to find out.

Baby Latte Coat

I just completed this adorable Baby Latte Coat for my son, and after a little bit of bribery, he finally put it on so I could snap a few pictures!

 This is going to be the perfect coat for him to wear this winter. The design itself is so dapper with the double row of buttons and textured band. I used Quince and Co. Osprey yarn in the honey colorway for this knit and I love the warmth and squish that this yarn provides.

Pattern available HERE.
Yarn available HERE.

Being Accountable

Someone once told me that you should always do what you say you are going to do, and when you don't, clean it up with the people you told.

2014 Resolution Results

Just looked back at my resolutions for 2014, and here they are:
  1. Finish the kid alpaca blanket/coffin cover.
      • Failed - Okay, I made quite a bit of progress on this blanket, and I've even started working on the edge trim, but I didn't finish it.  Honestly, it will take me the rest of 2015 to finish it most likely.
      1. Get down below 195 pounds and stay there (or less).  It's where I'm most comfortable and feel the best about myself.
          • Achieved - Through diet and exercise I quickly got my weigh under 195 and have stayed there all year.  I've never felt better, except at 5:15 am when my alarm goes off to tell me to get ready to go to my health club.
          1. Blog on average at least twice a week.
              •  Failed - Including this post, I've blogged 103 times this year which is an average of about 1.98 posts per week.  I have to admit, I counted on doing a full of posts for a blogathon again this year, but I didn't.
              1. Publish at least one new design on Ravelry

                                    5.  Finish piecing the current quilt top I'm working on
                    • Failed - I grew really tired of the quilting pattern and lost all interested in it.
                Overall, not a very successful year for resolutions, so I will resolve to do better next year.

                Current Knitting

                I started a new pair of socks using the yarn I bought in Montreal at Espace Tricot.

                The yarn is dyed and wound into balls by one of the employees of the yarn store and I can't say enough about it.  Not sure if they're still carrying it, but if you can get them to sell you a few balls, you won't be's called Scrumptiouspurl and this colourway is "Ghouls Night Out".
                  Holiday Cheer

                  When I first started this blog, I found it a lot of fun to be snarky and critical.  As I've aged, I find it much more satisfying to be uplifting and supportive.

                  Amazing People
                  Over the years, I've participated in a number of on-line knitting forums, including the original KnitList, Yahoo Groups, Ravelry,, and now forums on Facebook.  I have also been fortunate to have been involved in the creation of the Men's Knitting Retreats, and through it all, I have found some incredible whackos and people with phenomenally bad taste.  I know how much fun it can be to point them out, and rag on them.

                  But I've also found an amazing community of people with creativity, talent and impeccable taste.

                  Those are the people I've decided to focus my energy on lately.

                  While I'm sure there are those readers who miss the harsh critiques of bad magazine designs and making fun of the insipid knitters who write ridiculously stupid things in public forums, the truth of the matter is, I find it much more satisfying to support, recognize and enjoy the company of the amazing among us.

                  Here is someone who's a master at uplifting people, plus I feel incredibly privileged to be on his list.

                  Current Knitting/Spinning
                  Looks like I will definitely finish the cardigan by the end of the year, but I'm not so sure about finishing the Optim Merino Top spinning.

                  Starting with the cardigan:

                  You'll see that I've finished the pocket sleeves, the pocket edging, sewing in the pocket linings and seaming up one side of the sweater.  I've also gotten a few inches done on the button-band.  I'm very pleased with how this turns out, and if it just happens to fit my nephew, it will be a huge success.

                  The spinning:

                  While this may look close to complete, I still have quite a bit of spinning to do to finish the second bobbin of singles.  Hard to believe, right?

                  I'll keep you updated on both projects and let you know whether I met my deadlines for each project.

                  Wednesday, December 30, 2015

                  A New Collection In the New Year

                  Something new and exciting is coming to Never Not Knitting in 2013...

                  A new collection of 12 hand-knit designs compiled in a new self-published book!

                  I have been working hard on this group of knits for sometime now and am extremely proud of them.
                  The book will be finished up soon, so I am excited to finally share some photos and details with all of you!

                  There is more information to come.. but for now.. can you tell what the "theme" behind the new design collection is?

                  Tuesday, December 29, 2015

                  The Never Not Knitting Podcast : Episode 86 : Finding Athena

                  Episode 86


                  Enter to win one of these beautiful Raw Palette color collections of dk weight YOTH Yarn provided by Veronika Jobe by leaving a comment with your contact information under this post by January 15th. Only one comment per person please! Three winners will be announced in Episode 87.

                  Thank you for listening! 

                  Adorable Sheepish Version

                  I just couldn't help but share these adorable photos from my talented friend Kate at Tottoppers.

                  Her little boy Charlie is just the cutest and he wears his new "Sheepish" sweater so well!

                  It looks so cozy and warm on him, doesn't it?

                  I'm so happy to see that this little sweater works equally well in a little boy's wardrobe.

                  Pattern available here.