Saturday, December 19, 2015

Craving the Quilting

A little while ago, Thaddeus and I had the good fortune to spend some time with quilting people, including Brandon and Kaffe at a little luncheon at Liza's (Kaffe raved about Thaddeus' apple pie...just sayin').

And Now...

...I either need to go to Morocco, or start quilting again (or both!).

Kaffe's latest masterpiece is Quilts in Morocco (check out the Amazon link and you can view many of the quilts in the book...they're amazing, which is no surprise).

It just amazes me that the quilts he and Brandon and Liza (and others) come up with can get better and better and come up with patterns and colors that are just sublime.

Two different versions of his Hexagon quilt from this book are advertised as kits at Glorious Colors and they're both...well, glorious.

Brandon is coming back locally soon to do workshops on color.  I've been to his workshops before and he his truly inspirational.

Life is a Party Cake…

Lecture by Brandon Mably
Brandon’s inspirational color  and design lecture.
Learn about Brandon’s knitting and quilting journey.
5pm-7pm: $25
January 20, 2015
Olde City Quilts, Burlington, NJ
Register & Info:  609-747-0075 or

If you're more interested in interacting with him and getting in touch with your inner color-voice, you can actually design a quilt with him in Pennington.

Mad, Mad World of Color

Workshop by Brandon Mably
Design a unique color way within a traditional hexagon structure.
9am - 4pm: $120
January 21st Pennington Quilt Works, Pennington, NJ
Register & Info: 609-737-4321 or 

Brandon's workshops usually sell out pretty quickly, so if you're interested, decide quickly.

Current Knitting

Finished my test hat, Stephen West's Westward design and it's a great hat design.

I'm debating on whether to add a pompom to the top of it or just leave it off and add it if my niece wants that hat and wants a pompom.  

I think I'll try to knit up two more of these hats before I see my niece and let her choose which she prefers.  I bought some yarn at twist the other night that I'll use for the two other hats.

I also got about a meter of edging finished for the kid alpaca blanket I've been knitting for a few thousand years.

Of course I'd choose an edging that grows even more slowly than the blanket (it's reversible, so it requires double the stitches for the cable section).

But truthfully, from a structural standpoint, I don't think I could have designed a nicer edging than this one.  Can't wait to see what it looks like when the blanket's finished.

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