Thursday, December 31, 2015

It's 2009 Already?

I can't believe it! Its the beginning of a new year. What would a "January 1st blog post" be without the previous year's knitting recap...?

First there are the gifts. These are the things I made for friends and family members.
It is always nice to give a handmade gift. All of these things were welcomed and appreciated by the recipient.

My father in law wears the slippers I made him constantly.
My husband has washed and worn his "Rustic Cables" cap several several times over the year.. (well I did the washing..) It has held up fantastically by the way.

And the Knitted Babe that I made for my niece is very much loved and she is quite content at her new home.

As for the Dad Sweater... it's still waiting for its zipper which had to be special ordered. Yes, my Dad still hasn't received his sweater, hopefully soon. But the sweater is finished and if he doesn't like it.. well.. there will be problems.

(Modeled shots coming your way soon!)

Speaking of sweaters... I've completed 7 sweaters/knitted tops for myself this year!
My favorites are the Lush and Lacy, Tilted Duster, and Cap Sleeved Eyelet Top. I've worn my Tilted Duster dozens of times now. I'm so glad that I made a sweater that has gotten so much use. I have only worn my Terese Sweater twice. Unfortunately its not a sweater that goes with many outfits.. : ( But it still is pretty.

I have strangely only knit 2 scarves for myself this year... Guess I'm not a scarf knitter..?
But I have worn them a lot and wish that I had made more!

I have however knit many pairs of socks.. and all of them are miiiine!

I wear hand knit socks nearly every day. The worsted weight Basic Socks get the most use, and the Evening Stockings are worn the least. They are just too pretty to wear under pants and they unfortunately get a little saggy with wearing which is annoying. The Rainbow Socks have held up the best, and the Pomatomus although my favorite are currently out of commission.

Only one pair of fingerless mitts this year.. don't know why. I like them a lot, they keep my hands surprisingly warm!

I like all of the projects I have mentioned so far, but I LOVE the projects I have knit for my daughter this year. There is something about knitting for little ones. It's just fun and gratifying to make tiny things. And its so sweet to see the excitement of giving a small child a new knitted surprise.

I love the toys the most. They were the most fun to knit. The hats have turned out to be very practical since she wears them all of the time, and that seed stitch coat is still gorgeous, but sadly too small... All of that work... such little payoff.

The Legwarmies that I designed ended up being a huge hit on Ravelry! There are so many projects!

Well that wraps up 2008.

This year I plan on changing things up a bit. I have big plans for myself and my knitting.

You'll have to keep reading to find out.

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