Monday, December 14, 2015

Coordination Has Its Benefits

As one of the coordinators of the Men's Spring Knitting Retreat, I am fortunate to get to see the prizes donated for give-aways and door-prizes first.

The Down-Side
Unfortunately, I also exclude myself from receiving any of the door-prizes...BUT...I get to patronize the donors before the men from the retreat order the best stuff!

One of my favorite things that has come in so far is a Priscilla Gibson-Roberts book, Simple Socks, Plain And Fancy

Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy

I'm shocked to admit that I didn't know that this book existed, and it's a perfect book for learning how to do basic short-row socks. I at least get to browse this stuff. The Men's Knitting Retreats have been extremely fortunate to have Nomad Press be a friend and sponsor.

Other Types of Retreats
As the web-contact for the Men's Knitting Retreat web site, I get to hear from a lot of related organizations.

I'm not quite sure I could have not known there was business with a refurbished schooner sailing around the coast of Maine, conducting knitting retreats each year. I just heard from the owner, and I knew there would be folks that would love to hear about it. This one is Maine Windjammer, and it looks great (with good food!)

Current Knitting
Still hacking away at trying to finish the sleeves for the zippered cardigan. This picture shows how the patterning looks when I do increases from the center of the sleeve as opposed to at the ends of the rows.

It never ceases to surprise me how long sleeves take to knit (especially when I'm knitting both at the same time). The cuff and lower part of the sleeve move along so quickly, I ALWAYS get lured into thinking that the sleeve will be finished in no time, but I'm ALWAYS disappointed.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Todd writes about the typo in my last blog entry, "224 spools of yarn? A little Freudian slip perhaps? Too funny, at least in my eyes!"

Yes...funny for me too. Thanks for pointing it out and giving me a chuckle.

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