Thursday, December 3, 2015

Needed a Break - But I'm Back!

Adding the Thanksgiving holiday into to all the change noted in my last blog entry, I just stayed away from blogging for a week or so.

Completely Disorganized In Thought and In Reality

So, I have fiber projects I'm working on and I have other things going on in my life about which I haven't blogged, but it all seems a complete mess in my mind.

I'm usually much more organized than this, and try to make the blog reflect that.

So if things seem disjointed and hard to follow, you'll understand why.

Just an update on Nico - he's on some form or prednisone and a stomach acid inhibitor, and for the moment, he's hungry as he always was and eating well.  He's not as energetic as usual and prefers to be alone given the option.

Being selfish, I demand a bit more of his time than he'd normally like, but I make it up in terms of good petting.

Current Knitting/Crocheting

Actually working on three things on and off.
  1. Kid Alpaca blanket - mostly because it's one of the few things that will encourage Nico to jump into my lap while we're watching television.  And I still have a TON of work to do on it to finish it.
  2. Granny Square blanket - I can't remember where I was (and I'm too lazy to look back on blog entries), but I have 28 squares finished so far.  I may see if 35 will be enough to a decent size blanket.
  3. Broomstick Scarf - Saw this crochet pattern stitch on a Ravelry forum, and I had to try it.  It's very labor-intensive, but I love what it does to this yarn.

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