Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Finished Objects of 2007

Well, It is the last day of 2007! The year has certainly flown by! I've realized that I am always so concerned with how much knitting I have to do but sometimes I think that I should reflect on all that I have accomplished. The end of 2007 has allowed me to look back on the year and count up all of my finished objects. Here is the rundown.....

I have completed in 2007:

5 baby/toddler sweaters
7 baby/toddler hats
2 headbands
2 pairs of mittens
2.5 pairs of adult socks
3 pairs of toddler socks
2 adult sweaters
4 dishcloths
3 felted bags
1 felted diaper bag
1 camisole
1 thong
1 crocheted purse
1 knitted lace bag
1 tea cozy
1 teddy bear
1 teddy bear sweater
8 scarves
6 adult hats
2 knitted flowers
1 pair of gauntlets
1 caplet
1 wrist band
1 lace shawl
1 pair of baby booties
1 shawl
1 felted box
2 pairs of adult slippers
1 pair of toddler slippers
2 pairs of leg warmers

Bringing the grand total to 66 completed items! (And no, I didn't count the 1 sock that doesn't have a mate.)

So, thinking about the 66 items makes me feel really good. I have a nice collection of hand knit things around the house and all my friends and family have at least one hand knit item from me. I guess that it makes me realize that I actually AM accomplishing something.

I also added up all of the finishing and repair jobs I did over 2007.

I seamed/finished:

6 adult sweaters
1 tank top
5 baby sweaters
5 miscellaneous small projects
I also repaired 5 afghans

I unfortunately still have 6 unfinished objects:

a project for a customer (a kitchen aid stand mixer cover)
Ava's red Smock Coat ARRRRGGGHH I have to work on that!
my crocheted Leaves Sweater
my Tilted Duster
my Klaralund sweater
Ava's Seedling sweater

Right now they are all on the back burner because I am working on a Top Secret project to submit to The rules state that I am not supposed to blog about the project or pattern until it shows up in the issue, if it ever does. I'm really excited about it. I've never done anything like this before! I thought I might as well give it a try! The deadline is Jan 5th and I just decided that I wanted to do this so I have really been knitting every chance I get to get this all done. If Knitty decides that the pattern is not their thing then I will just put the samples on display at The Scarlet Skein and make a class out of it! You see, I am thinking positively. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much.

My knitting goals for 2008:


I wish that I could tell you that this is all of it. But that would be lying. There is actually more....
I think I have a problem. So anyways.... yeah, 2008 Im gonna knit it. Or most of it, at least. :)

I'd also really like to submit a pattern every quarter to Knitty. I have some good ideas and I think it will be really fun. We'll see how this one goes though.

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