Monday, July 27, 2015

An All PIE Weekend

I'm a fortunate man to be able to say I live near one of the best Trenton "tomato pie" places in New Jersey and live in the same house as one of the best fruit pie makers on the planet.

Tomato Pie with Peach Pie for Dessert!
Yes, it was a good weekend. We started Saturday lunch by heading over to Palermo's (actually Palermo's III), which is a pizza place in Ewing, NJ. They make a thin crust pie with crushed tomatoes and a small amount of cheese that is out of this world good.

We buy two large pies each visit, eat half and bring a full pie home for leftovers. Our regular toppings are fried eggplant on one, and garlic on the other. They are both amazing.

Then, Thaddeus decides to make his famous white peach/white nectarine pie.

He first made one of these pies a few years ago when we were visiting his sister's family in Martha's Vineyard, and it was the best pie he's ever made...and that's saying something. His sister's family almost came to blows over the last piece. It really was that good.

After a weekend like this, all I can say is "Pie is good."

Current Knitting
I finished the front of the Malabrigo Lacy Merino pullover.

I even started the sleeves (yes, I'm doing two sleeves at once for this project!). While I thought this was going to be somewhat of a masculine looking sweater, it's turning out more feminine than I expected. This may turn out to be a gifted item.

I also got back up past where the little doll, Nico, ripped out the cashmere lace knitting I started a couple of weeks ago.

This reflects one full stitch pattern repeat, and will magically look amazing once blocked. It's amazing what a little confidence in past lace knitting will do for my confidence in blocking!

Current Reading
I rushed through reading the second part in Stieg Larsson's trilogy, The Girl Who Played With Fire.. I wanted to see the movie this past weekend, but wanted to finish the book before I did.

I loved the second book, but it wasn't as compelling as the first book. And having started the third book, I think it really should have been just two books...the second and third are really all part of one story (at least so far) and splitting them was a crappy way of making a trilogy (in my arrogant opinion). I also thought the second movie wasn't as interesting as the first...if felt much more slapped together, while the first one seem so intricately crafted.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my LASIK surgery, Susan asks, "Have you had any trouble with things like halos?"

No, except for the first few months after surgery, I had virtually no problem. But Thaddeus had tons of issues and wished he'd never had the surgery. So it really is quite different for different folks. It's not a decision that I should have taken so lightly, despite the fact that I'm still quite glad I had it done.

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