Saturday, July 25, 2015

Edging - A First Step in Completion

This post's title might get a few disappointed googlers, but a few extra hits on the old blog never hurts.

If You're Here for Knitting...

...continue on.

I just realized that I've been working on the kid alpaca blanket/coffin cover for almost as long as I've been writing this blog, and as I start to get to the point that I think it may be finished soon, it scares me in a few ways.

Having called it my coffin cover for so many years, I'm hopeful its completion won't mean I have to follow through with that idea.

Since the Work-In-Progress (WIP) is as old as the blog, I'm hopeful I won't have run out of blog topics with the completion of the blanket.

I'll have no "when all else fails, pick up the the kid alpaca blanket project" project to fall back on when all else is boring.

The Edging is Started

Yes, I've come up with an edging that I just love for the blanket (even though I do still have a dozen more inches of the blanket to knit):

It's a simple cable cross-over on a garter stitch background, but the nice part is that it's reversible (the cables show up on both sides.

I had never seen this technique, but it's just using 1x1 rib for the stitches in the cable.  The resulting fabric has a bit more structure and stability than the blanket fabric, and it looks good on both sides.

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