Saturday, July 4, 2015

An iPhone Post

Wanted to see if I could successfully post a blog entry using my iPhone.

At Least I'll Probably Be Less Verbose
Using the screen keypad on this thing can be painful. It does guess my words as I type, but with the fattest thumbs on the planet, it's still not easy to type.

Plus, I've never tried uploading photos using Blogger on my iPhone.

What an adventurous day!

Current Knitting/Spinning
I got to put in some weekend knitting time on the Heirloom lace baby blanket.

In addition to finishing up the second edge section, I'm about halfway through the third edge section. Once I finish the four edge sections, the main section should be pretty quick to knit.

I also couldn't hold myself back from working on the Optimum Merino from Australia.

I'm trying to make the best use of the fibre by doing a quasi worsted draw that keeps the individual fibers in line. The result so far is a beautiful, soft, even and smooth single. What a joy to spin.

Post Script
It turns out I couldn't attach a photo using the iPhone and I decided to just go on my computer to publish.  Crappy iPhone!

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