Thursday, July 23, 2015

Colorado Wow!

I had the incredible good fortune to be at this past weekend's Men's Rocky Mountain Knitting Retreat in Allenspark, Colorado.  Both the venue and the guys there are just beautiful.

What a Fun Time
I went to the retreat last year and it was a blast, but I didn't get to see much of the Rocky Mountains.  Most of the events for the retreat were either at Sunshine Mountain Lodge (a PERFECT place for this retreat...incredible food and wonderful common spaces for hanging out), or at local knitting stores.

This year, we took a day to drive around the Rockies a bit and another morning to do a hike in one of the State Parks.

Add to all that, the magic of the guys who coordinate and attend the event, and I couldn't have asked for a better time...quite exhilerating, fun and tons of laughing.

Here are a few photos I took while out there (feel free to click on the photos to's almost like being there!).

Bob, Quinton, Tucker, Tim and Charles

Back Row - Bob and Quintong, Front Row - Joe and Frank

I'll post some additional photos in my next blog post, plus give an update on where I am with my knitting.

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