Monday, October 26, 2015


I have always been pretty ambitious, and it surprised me in my early adulthood to learn that not everyone is. I just thought it was one of those things that everyone was naturaly.
n. 1. a. An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power.
b. The object or goal desired: Her ambition is the presidency.
2. Desire for exertion or activity; energy: had no ambition to go dancing.

How Will Retirement Look?
As I get closer and closer to a concept I call retirement, I have to admit that I find it inconceivable that I won't be actively pursuing various avocations and vocations to the same level I pursued my career...even if that means taking a paying job. Certainly I will continue to knit, spin, crochet, etc. But I think I will always have a desire to be useful and appreciated, even if the appreciation comes in the form of a paycheck.

I have always affirmed the majority of my worthiness through what I do for a living, and I can't imagine I could easily do without maintaining some level of that affirmation.

Current Knitting
I finished the front/left and the collar on the Expedition Pullover, and I have started down the first sleeve.

It's nice to be working on a pattern that works up so nicely and easily.

I also finally got a picture of the almost completed Mini Mochi scarf.

I have definitely decided that I will rip out the ribbing and add a few more lace repeats and then re-do the ribbing. I can't imagine wasting any of this lovely yarn.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my Robin Spinning Wheel, Seanna Lee writes, "I'm assuming for such a gorgeous looking wheel that Gil has quite a long wait list."

When I ordered mine a few years back, there was a 15 month waiting list and he finished it in 12 months. Now that he has an intern, he said he's been able to keep a steady production of wheels...although I don't know if that means the waiting list is shorter, or back to his normal 15 months. But you're right, his wheels are truly gorgeous and spin like a dream.

Regarding my Robin spindle, Duffysan writes, "What a pretty little handspindle. How many grams is it?"

I don't pathetic is that...and since I just started a new spindling project with it, I can't weigh it. It's pretty light...even lighter than it looks if that helps. At one point when I get it emptied, I'll weigh it an let you know.

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