Saturday, October 17, 2015

By a Show of Hands... many of you have ever flew Delta Airlines here in the States? And how many of you have ever had their Biscoff cookies as your in-flight snack?

Today's Blog is a Real Mixed Bag
I love these stupid little cookies. They're sweet and a little greasy and do they taste like cinnamon?...or nutmeg?...or brown sugar?

Not sure...but if Thaddeus ever asks you for a gift idea, I wuld always appreciated a small box of the Biscoff cookies.

Had a few hours to spend at Rhinebeck and I am glad to say, I spent most of the few hours there with friends. I got to see Selma, Kathy, Carol, Laura, Marilyn, Mel & David (and met Mel's parents!), and Duffy.  But stupidly, I took no photographs whilst I was there.

In addition, I got to spend time with some of the guys from the Men's Spring Knitting Retreat, which is always energizing...god I love those guys.

In further addition, a number of you stopped me to say "hi" which is always a pleasure. In fact a blog reader sat down right next to me at lunch and tentatively asked me if I was QueerJoe. I also got to meet Kim from IndigoDragonfly in was very nice since she's contributed yarn to the Men's Knitting Retreats in the past.

It was fun for just the people aspect alone.

Plus!!! Duffy schlepped gifts all the way across the country from Portland.

I was honestly quite shocked that she gave me some delicious cheddar cheese made in Oregon (Tillamook), and also some spectacular Polwarth roving in a gorgeous, rich colorway (dyed by Dicentra Designs...I need to check them out more carefully). I can't wait to spin this up.

Duffy is a complete delight, so it was great to finally meet her.

I also purchased some roving...I can't remember where I found it, but I loved the's a longwool blend of fiber and it was very inexpensive...I couldn't pass it up.

Current Knitting
I did end up finishing the second sock using my hand-spun from Black Bunny Fiber roving. Unfortunately, I don't have a darning needle with me to graft the top seam together, so I'll completely finish the sock when I get home.

Flea Market Finds
I saw a little kit of knitting needles, crochet hooks and wrist-holder for yarn balls and it looked like some was made of ivory, some of plastic and perhaps some of balene...but none of it was in very good shape, so I didn't get it.

But I did buy two copies of the same book:

It's the Complete Guide to Modern Knitting and Crochet.  I bought the original printing of this book, dated 1942 and a subsequent printing from 1947. Both look pretty much the same, so perhaps I'll have to come up with some clever way of giving the second copy away as a prize.

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