Friday, October 16, 2015

Making Use of Mad Skills

Did you ever inventory your list of skills and then try and find a way you could leverage them for either personal or economic gain?

Skills Inventory
I recently starting hanging out with someone who has incredible internet and graphic design skills, plus he's savvy from a business and marketing perspetive as well as from an organizational efficiency perspective.  He just re-started a business where he's designing, building and maintaining web sites for small to medium size businesses.

I was fascinated speaking with him about his ideas for logo design and creating web pages that execute a specific purpose.  When someone can put together a useful set of skills in this way, they exude brilliance in my mind.

If I ever decide to start a job-creating business (don't worry, I still won't be a Republican), I would be thrilled to find someone like my new friend to help guide me on how best to present myself on the interwebs.

Current Knitting/Spinning
I continued working on the gloves from Rohn Strong's book, Heritage Collection.

Finished the first glove, and got the first five or six rounds completed on the second wrist cuff.  Do you think it matters that the color changes are practically impossible to notice?

I also started a new spinning project using the roving I purchased at the Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival from Moonlight and Laughter.

I was surprised at how much more pastel the singles are coming out than I expected.  This vibrant roving...

...spins up looking like this.

Maybe it looks the just seemed more pastel to me on the bobbin

Readers' Comments/Questions
Thanks everyone for entering the contest to win Carol's book, Sock Yarn Studio.  So far, I've received about 50 entries.  I'll pick the winner and announce it at the end of next week (26-October-2012).

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