Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Memory Lane

As I near the 12th blogiversary of QueerJoe, I was very grateful to hear the Benjamin Levisay podcast interview of Franklin Habit.  He reminded me of the Fresh Air for Franklin Fund we put together to give Franklin his formal introduction into the fiber community.  His "coming out" if you will.

2005 Didn't Seem That Long Ago...

...Until now.  Listening to the Fiber Hooligan podcast, it seems like ages ago that we coerced Franklin to come to the East Coast and let him be gracious enough to show him off like he was the latest Apple device.  Turns out he had a lot more fun "apps" than any iPhone ever did.

So glad to relive the memories.

If you listen to the podcast, he talks about the inspiration for his first cartoon that ended up getting him published with his great little book It Itches!  The group that gathered for dinner at a restaurant in Woodstock, NY after Rhinebeck that year, were lucky enough to get a preview of this publication.  He showed us his sketchbook and got his first encouragement to try and get it published.

One other Franklin tidbit is that I had the opportunity to take his Photographing your Fiber workshop a few years ago.  I hope he will appreciate the casual staging of my next photograph (okay, so I just threw it on a heap and photographed it...I'm no Franklin Habit or Alexis Xenakis)/

Current Knitting

Making intermittent progress on almost all of my works in progress.

The back of the Tilt cardigan still hasn't reached the armpit.  I've done no additional work on the second sleeve of the Racing Stripes pullover.  I've added a few rows to the Spiked Crochet afghan and just have the ribbing left on the both socks on my current pair.

Did you ever notice how much time as a knitter that you spend winding balls of yarn and untangling messes?  Amazing I get any knitting done at all sometimes.

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