Friday, October 9, 2015

How Is It...

...that early on when MAC's were much better than PC's, the PC's took over the market, and now that Androids are better than iPhone's, the iPhones are flying off shelves at insane speed?

What Makes People Buy?
If you speak with any sane individual who knows the differences between an iPhone and an Samsung Galaxy S III (for instance), they will tell you how much better the Galaxy is.  Bigger screen, voice command that's better than Siri (although, I don't think their voice has a great name like Siri), longer battery life, better button/screen navigation, less expensive...the list goes on and on.  Here's a comparison of the two phones on Verizon's web site.

And yet, the world clamors to get the iPhone 5.

Owning an iPhone myself, I have to say I like it, but I've also never owned anything better.  And there are certain things about it I just hate.  For instance...did you know that if you reply to an e-mail and want to attach a document to the response, you can't.  No can't.  That kind of thing just seems negligent in the design of a smart-phone.

The one thing I will say is better with the iPhone, is that if you need help, there are more people that can answer  your questions.  Apple should be glad I'm not scheduled for an upgrade for a good long time.

Current Knitting/Spinning
I was able to finish the spinning of the Tiday Yarns roving and all the plying that goes along with it.

After I finished spinning the singles of the blue/gray, I decided I wanted a bit more twist, so I re-spun the full bobbin.  The next two photos show the original and the re-spun...not a lot of difference, but I was glad I did it.

Original Singles - Blue Gray

Re-Spun Singles - Blue Gay
Then I plied the tight blue/gray singles with the green/gold looser singles, using a rather tight ply.
Singles - Green/Gold
Since I still had quite a bit of blue/gray single left, I plied it to itself.
Plied Yarn - Blue and Green/Gold

Two final hanks of hands-on
The result is a yarn I will use to make gloves in a very subtle two-color design.

I also did more on Milano blanket this weekend.

At this pace, I will be arthritic, but I'll have a blanket to use prior to the end of the Winter.
Readers' Comments/Questions
Thanks everyone for the advice on adding more twist to my singles.  It was as easy as I'd imagined, but you confirmed that before I actually did it.

Also, Deborah writes, "Looking lovely-- do you think that you'll add a border, or leave those lovely stripes as they are?"

It will definitely have a border.  I have a great tweedy green color yarn (that's already in the blanket) that I will use for the border.  I will probably crochet an edging on it...mostly to give it a bit more stability and to try and match the gauge of the Milano stitch a little better than knitting would do.  I may opt for a tubular edge instead, as I have a lot of ends to secure in.

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