Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Beauty of Fall in Upstate NY

I'm not a big fan of Autumn...mostly because it indicates Winter will soon be here and I just think Winter is awful.  That being said, I had one of the most beautiful stays at Easton Mountain and the Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival this past weekend.

Just Photos

This will be a two-part blog entry...that first one being just photos around Easton Mountain...I think they make it clear why it's such a great place to have the Men's Spring Knitting Retreat.

Path from the guest house to the main lodge with part of the driveway
Driveway with the mountain in the background

Temple, pond and mountain
Pond and trees at the base of the mountain
Pathway to the garden cabins and wood burning sauna
Some of the newer residents of Easton
A source of fresh eggs for the residents of Easton
Geese giving the mountain some perspective
One of the many walking paths

Rosie running free outside the guest house rooms
My first morning view before yoga
The backyard at Easton
A mature and a young specimen for Thaddeus to identify

Backyard, pool and mountain
Next blog entry will contain much fewer photos from the Southern Adirondack Fiber Festival, since that's really what I went there for.

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