Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Impact of Social Media on Real Life

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in Facebook, I forget how to react normally out in the real world.

Havc You Ever...
...been in a public place where you could hear others' conversations, and felt compelled to jump in with a comment?

...felt like taking a photo of someone else's personal event to let them post it as their status?

...wanted to tag the people in the table next to you in a restaurant when you "checked in" to make the restaurant seem busier and more happening?

Granted, I doubt you'd ever really "Poke" someone in real life, but in the same way I am sometimes unable to stay out of a Facebook status conversation, I have had to stop myself a number of times from jumping into someone else's real conversation.

Usually, the compelling conversation is someone with an idiotic opinion about something he knows nothing about, and I feel the need to school the idiot on how it really is.

Fortunately, up until this point, I have been able to restrain myself from adding my two cents.

Current Knitting/Spinning
I have been doing some more work on the Milano blanket, but I felt I couldn't resist seeing how the roving from Tidal Yarns would spin up.  I started with the smallest bump of roving and finished spinning it in no time.

Since I'll be plying this delightfully broody gold with the blue/gray, I thought I should get that started as well.

After I was well into spinning this wool into singles, I realized what I wanted to use the resulting yarn for...a pair of gloves.  Since I think I'll need a more tightly plied yarn than the current singles would allow, I think I may re-spin these singles, adding some additional twist.

Has anyone out there ever tried this?  Any dire warnings or hearty encouragements?

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