Sunday, November 8, 2015


Last week I made these Evangeline Mitts using the elbow length variation. I made them as a shop sample to advertise my upcoming cabling class at The Scarlet Skein.

I don't know if in "real life" I'd be sporting them with a short sleeved top. (What would be the point? If you are cold why not wear long sleeves, right?) But for pictures I had to wear a top that would show them off.

I liked working the pattern. It was repetitive and the cable was fun to knit and see take shape.
I used Dream in Color Classy for this project and it took less than half of a skein! I think that I could make a pair and a half out of my leftovers.

Truthfully, I am not really a variegated yarn person. I rarely go for variegated because I don't care for the wild splashes of color that can result. I do really like Dream in Color yarns though because though they are variegated, the colors are evenly distributed creating a pretty mottled effect which adds a lot of depth and interest. I love love love the way that this yarn shows off cable work. To me it makes the cables look more 3 dimensional.

I have been so good lately. I used stash yarn for this project. I bought a sweaters worth of this color "Cloud Jungle" up at Stitches West this year, and I have since decided that I don't love the color enough to tolerate a whole sweater made up from it. So I was happy to find a project to use some of it this yarn up.

I talk a lot more about this yarn in my upcoming podcast episode which will be up shortly!

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