It's E-Z Pass - Let's Make it E-Z, Shall We?
They talk faster, the walk faster and they definitely drive faster.
So why is it that the entire upstate NY population feels they must stop at E-Z Pass tolls?!?! (for those outside of the NY/NJ/PA area, E-Z Pass is the brand name for the little transponder you keep in your car to pass through toll booths paying automatically).
"E-Z" is the clever little way of telling you that passing through tolls should be EASY...not painfully, fucking SLOW!
With New Yorkers in the Albany area, it's always one of three things:
- They keep the transponder device in their glove compartment, and wait until they're at the toll booth to get it out...argh!
- They think they have to stop to have their toll registered...ARGH!
- They've run out of money on their account and it won't let them through, so they wait for a person to come take their cash toll...ARGH!
Current Knitting
Since I was working from home last week and off for Thursday and Friday of the Thanksgiving holiday, I got a lot of knitting done on the Milano Blanket, and I'm actually seeing a light at the end of the tunnel.
I've completed a total of 56 stripes (the blanket is displayed on a full-size hotel bed) and I have 10 more 8-row stripes to complete before I do the edging.
Nico, thinking this time he might be able to express some milk from the Milano Blanket |
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