Sunday, February 8, 2015

ADHD Knitter Strikes Again

Yes, attention deficit when it comes to focusing on one project, doesn't seem to be one of my strengths!

Oooh Look...Shiny Things!
It doesn't take much to distract me, and when one of my favorite Swedish male knitters puts up a free hat design on Ravelry, I have no power to resist.

Ivar Asplund, of AsplundKnits does some beautiful knitting, and his latest free pattern on Ravelry, Sigge Hat caught my eye and I felt compelled to pick up yarn and needles and cast on a new project.

It's a nice quick and easy knit, and although my choice of yarns didn't give quite such a clean, geometric look as Ivar's version, I still like how mine came out.

And now here's me showing off my one super power.

I used the leftover handspun yarn made by Dan (Brewergnome) during the last Fiber to Scarf event that Ted facilitated and a beautiful sock yarn from A Verb For Keeping Warm.

I'm considering making another one using the leftovers from a couple of sweaters, but we'll see.

Current Knitting
Knitting the hat did not stop me from also doing some work on the Kureyon Socks I've been knitting.

You can see I'm almost up to the same level on the second sock as the first. I'm hopeful to finishe this pair of socks this coming week.

Recent Reading
In anticipation of the upcoming Tim Burton movie version, I felt I should at least read "Alice In Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll first.

I was surprised to realize I had never read this book, and now having done so, I sort of wish I hadn't. I must admit I found it difficult to find any brilliance in the writing whatsoever, although I'm sure I'm missing some historical context or allegorical techniques that are beyond my grasp of understanding.

I'll have to google some literary analysis of this story to see what I've missed in hopes of appreciating the movie more.

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