Saturday, February 7, 2015

Botanical Knits... coming tomorrow!

I have been absolutely flattered and thrilled to hear of your excitement and anticipation for the new 
Botanical Knits book. There have been so many nice comments left on the blog and the forums on Ravelry
Here are just a few of my favorites...

"Alana I just stumbled across these patterns a moment ago when searching for something else and nearly fainted! I want to knit everything in this book right now!!!!!!!!!"

"I went to the blog five times yesterday just to drool over the photographs. So inspiring and so beautiful. No, not just beautiful. Arrestingly beautiful."

"Wow! It’s not often I see a book where every pattern is one I want to knit! Can’t wait… although picking where to start will be a problem."

"Can’t wait to get my hands on this. I keep checking the calendar and asking 'Is it February yet?'" :-)

"I’ve been checking 3 times a day every day since February began. I do hope the patterns will be released soon. Talented people who make beautiful knitwear should be aware that knitters with patience issues who love beautiful knitwear are being driven absolutely crazy with anticipation. :)"

"Please add another to the list of people who can hardly wait to get their hands on your new book. I have been planning and digging through my stash ever since I saw the photos first come up on Ravelry. I tend to buy books if they have at least 3 patterns that I want to knit but this one… wow, every pattern calls to me.
Thank you, Alana, for putting together such beautiful designs to inspire us!"

I am so honored, truly. Thank you so much! :)

I also want to thank everyone for your patience with us as we have been working hard behind the scenes to get everything ready to start accepting orders. I popped into the office today to help my husband and found him hard at work putting the final touches on the new website.

For the past several weeks he has been working into the early morning every night and all of his work has certainly paid off. Botanical Knits will be available to pre-order in print starting tomorrow, Friday the 7th at 11 am PST. The digital version will be available to order and download at that time as well.

More details coming tomorrow! I am so excited! :)

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