Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Finn Again

Our boy is fully integrated into the was quite amazing at just how quickly he came to be an essential part of us.

Long Road

Finn was in a shelter for about 2 years before we were lucky enough to find him and take him home.

He had some health issues that were challenging for the shelter, and largely, that's probably the reason it took so long for him to be adopted.  But despite being in and out of the shelter and a couple of foster homes and going back and forth to the vet, being poked and prodded and injected, he's still so friendly, loving and wonderful.

You can tell it didn't take him long to find a way up to the highest point he could find.

He fits right in.

Current Knitting/Crochet

I think I had mentioned I started a new pair of socks using Zauberball.

This colorway is one of the least capturable on digital photography I've ever seen...the socks look lovely despite how they show up in digital photographs.

I've also started a new crochet blanket.

This is just a glimpse...I'll give more details in a future blog post.

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