Thursday, February 19, 2015

Ravelympics Day 8: Meet Francis

On my last "Ravelympics" post, many of you guessed what kind of creature I was knitting up. Great guesses! Many of you thought I was making a chicken or an ostrich.. and one of you guessed that I was making a kiwi. :)

But only one of you (Christina) guessed correctly.

Its a...


And isn't he so funny and ugly-cute?! I love how fat he is.
We have a lot of Wild Turkeys around where we live.
They really are ugly things in real life, but fun to watch and listen to.

This "Francis Turkey" pattern is from the book
The Organic Cotton Kids Collection put out by Rowan yarns.
All the patterns in this collection are super adorable, and all use Rowan purelife organic cotton.

This book seriously has some of the cutest toy patterns I've seen.
If you like Francis you will love the other patterns too.

But more about Francis tomorrow.. its getting late and he's off to roost...

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