Thursday, February 5, 2015

Scholarship Winners

It was incredibly thrilling that you all sent in a total of 15 nominations for the 2011 Men's Spring Knitting Retreat scholarship. And the caliber of guys nominated was quite impressive, so the competition was fierce.

2011 Scholarship Winners
Kinda hard to do a drum-roll on a blog entry, but the judges have voted, and I'm thrilled to be able to announce that the winners are:

Bill Jones (Bill on and BillJones on Ravelry) and Michael Wade (WonderMike to many of us).

Both of these guys have made an amazing contribution to the community of men who knit and will be a great addition to the group of guys already scheduled to attend. The decision was very difficult for all four would have been easy to pick two completely different winners given the great group of guys we had to choose from. I'm honestly sorry I couldn't have offered scholarships to all 15 guys.

Thanks to all who took the time to write nominations...I was glad to find out about a lot of these guys, many of who also have impressive contributions to the community and lurk a bit more under the surface.

Current Knitting
I made some great progress on the buttoned neck-warmer, although I still have work to do on it.

I've established a very efficient way of doing the fisherman's rib stitch. Since it requires a K1, SL1, I just do both in one movement by knitting into the first stitch without taking it off the needle and inserting the needle as if to purl into the second stitch and taking them both off at once. It's not a huge time-saver, but with thousands of stitches to do, it adds up.  I'm also not to sure about the buttons...the look better in person than in the photo, but I'll look around to see if I have anything better.

I also finished the first of the two Skacel-yarn least I finished the knitting part of it...I still need to do the sewn bind-off.

You'll notice I added a couple of accent color stripes toward the top of the cuff, and I'll be binding the sock off using the contrasting orange-y color.

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