Friday, February 6, 2015

Getting Some Nookie

When I got home from vacation, this little beauty was waiting for me!

Nook Simple Touch with GlowLight

I've owned a Nook for years.  With all the traveling I do, it's become incredibly efficient at keeping a whole library of books in an incredibly small piece of equipment.  Plus, after looking at a computer screen all day, the last thing I want to do as part of my relaxation is stare at an iPod or other back-lit tablet screen.

I love the Nook, I love the e-Ink technology and I've grown to love my library of books more and more.

A friend of mine works at Barnes & Noble and he was able to test out some of their more recent devices.  I actually got to play with their Nook Tablet.  I wasn't impressed and it didn't really have what I valued most in my e-reader.  But when he told me they had a full-touch-screen version of the Nook AND one that had lighting so I could read it in darker places (I know what you're thinking...but it's not BACK-LIT!), I knew I had to own one.

 Within 10 minutes of opening the box, I had registered the device and downloaded my entire library.  I had to of course confirm that the "glow" worked.

 Can you see it glowing around the edge of the screen?  Even just a little?  It's hard to photograph that.

Then, of course, I needed a cover for it...mostly to protect it in my luggage and PC case as I tote it all over the World.

This one by Jack Spade was my favorite.

I couldn't be happier!

Current Reading

Right now, I'm reading an amazing book. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay by Michael Chabon.  The writing is stellar and the plot-line is just brilliant (so far...I'm not that far into it).

I also just finished reading The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins.  I can check that off of my New Year's resolutions, and I enjoyed reading all three books.  I can't say that I highly recommend this series...the writing is rather sophomoric and the author uses a lot of very tired writing techniques to try and add excitement to the story, but I'm still glad I read it.

Current Knitting

I've completed a total of four more rows on my current sweater.  Refer to last photo posted and use your imagination.

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