Sunday, February 1, 2015

I Think I'm In Love

And he's encouraged should have seen this delightful rascal in his Sundance channel special.

Just Be Yourself!
Seems to be the motto that this young man lives by, and his honesty and enthusiastic energy seem to just pour out of the screen.

It really is nice to see a young man so confident in who he a way that makes him let know other less-than-butch guys can be funny, smart and delightful.

It was kind of painful to watch Johnny Weir, well, stressful, if not painful. I ached to see him succeed and win each skating event he competed in. I can't imagine being his mother or aunt or coach...or him for that matter...the intensity seemed just too much to handle.

If you get a chance to see this Sundance special, I'm sure you'll be enchanted as well.

Current Knitting
Got some more knitting done on the Kureyon sock this past weekend, and even the ribbing didn't seem to slow me down too much.

I decided that even though I won't be able to make two identical socks, that I wanted to make them look as similar as possible, so I put the first sock on hold when it came to the purple color so I could start the seond one. The top of the cuffs will be different on both socks, but given how nice these colors are, I'm okay with that.

Flea Market Find
Thaddeus has quite an amazing eye when it comes to finding interesting things at the flea market. Last week, he spotted this unlikely purchase.


It's a Toastmaster waffle iron made in the 1930's. He got it in his mind at one point that I wanted a waffle iron, and while I didn't yearn for one, I was really pleased that he found this lovely one. It's in extraordinary condition and I really like the simple styling of it.

We experimented with waffles this weekend, and the first one off the new iron came out extremely well.

The fact that it's not a complete circle is my over-cautiousness in not wanting batter to flow out of a too-full waffle iron, but the taste and the crisp, fluffiness were perfect!

Readers' Comments/Questions
Robert writes, "In the above picture, the one of the orchid in its natural setting, there's a painting in the background. It's beautiful! Who's the painter?"

She's my favorite local painter these days...her name is Jane Gilday, and this particular piece is a very early one of hers. We have about 4 or 5 other paintings by her, and I honestly think her work will one day be some of the most valuable things we own (at least based on some of her recent auction prices).

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