Saturday, February 21, 2015


Most people will say they're not fact I've never heard anyone say, "I always look great in photos."

Quite the Opposite

Moreover, many people will tell you that photos of you look good, even though you know it's not true.  Mindy was one of the few people that ever told me that photos don't do me justice.

I bring this up because of a photo of myself that I recently posted and then used as my Facebook photo since it seemed to be viewed as a good photo of me.

I don't get it...I've got a muffin top, my man-boobs are saggy and I've got a goofy expression on my face.  Granted, the jeans look good and the t-shirt makes it looks like I have some biceps.  And I love the perspective of the photo.

In case you had any doubts, this is what I really look like.

At least when I wake up in the morning.  Puffy eyes and bed-head complete (and the perspective of this photo is brilliant

I've also found that with a decent camera, I have been successful in taking good photos of many of the guys at the Men's Knitting Retreats.  I end up taking a lot of photos of them to get one good one, but it usually takes people a little while to get used to the camera and loosen up enough to have a normal (for them) expression on their face.

Current Knitting

When I noted that getting up to the sleeve shaping for my current pullover would mean that I'd be zipping along more quickly...I meant that if I got much time to knit, it would be zipping along.  I have almost gotten up to where I'll start the neck shaping on the front of the pullover.

I have also started a second, secret project that I work on when I'm home.  It's secret, because I'm not sure if it will work, so I don't want to show progress photos yet.

Readers' Comments/Questions

Daisy asks, "Is that Composition Book Grey, Joe?"

It took me forever to figure out what this question meant until I googled "composition book grey" to find that it's one of Madeline Tosh's colorways.  You're's actually called Sketchbook (I had to zoom in on the photo of the yarn to see the tag to find out since the yarns at home and I am not).

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