Saturday, February 14, 2015

Can You Believe He's Sixty?!?!

Happy Birthday Thaddeus!

Yes, St. Valentine is my lover-now husband's patron saint since he was born on this day 60 years ago.

We'll go out to celebrate with a nice dinner tonight, but we don't usually exchange gifts for birthdays or Valentine's day.

It is true what they say...he's getting better with age.

Current Crocheting

Now that all the granny squares are attached, I've found what I think is a great way to edge this blanket.

The top section shows the third row of the edging completed where as the bottom-right shows only the first two rows of the edging complete.  Unfortunately, that photo shows about how much I've completed of the feels like I've done thousands of scallops and I still have thousands to go.  But I've also started weaving in about 1,000 ends so it won't seem so daunting at the end.

The edging is from a blogger named Lucy in England called Attic 24 (slightly modified).

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