Saturday, August 22, 2015

But What Are They For?!?!

We know that conservatives...especially the newly energized tea party types...don't want. Socialized anything. A higher deficit. Having their guns taken away. Higher taxes.

But what is it they want?

Time For Sanity
The conservative right has done an excellent job of getting folks to froth at the mouth when it comes to anything proposed by the current administration. But the only thing that has done is put a roadblock on any progress at all.

I would love to see anyone who could bring together such opposing ideas in a way that would help this country (and possibly the World) progress.

Naive...I know.

There were a lot of things I opposed during the Bush Jr. years, but I was also actively for a lot of things as well. Election reform, civil rights laws (especially for the poor and disenfranchised) and increased attention to education are all very important to me.

We need to dismiss the politicians and the campaigners who talk only about what they are against and ask them to focus more on how they can bring people together for their betterment. I can't believe that folks won't be tired of the "stop everything" conservatives in office and will look for a more hopeful future when November rolls around.

Current Knitting
I finished the mohair "mawl" this past weekend, and I really love how it came out.

It's rustic enough in fabric texture and color to appeal to my style, and yet it's very functional, light-weight and warm. I also love how the mitered ends look, especially the muted brown stripes that accentuate the corner-ends.

I'm quite please with it.

Current Spinning
I got some additional work done on the charcoal alpaca singles I'll use to ply with the Black Bunny Fiber singles I finished a few weeks back.

I still have quite a bit more to spin before I have enough to ply all the brighter colored singles.

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