Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Post-Ribbing Bliss

On both of my knitting projects, I've made it past the ribbing section and they're both flying along.

On The Downhill

I consider easy knitting to have a few components:

  1. I don't have to look down at my knitting - if I can watch a dialogue-intensive movie with subtitles and keep up a decent pace of knitting...that's easy knitting.
  2. I can seemingly knit for hours without physical discomfort - with ribbing, the constant back and forth of the the feed-yarn makes my wrist and/or shoulder hurt after a while, whereas simple knitting or knitting one side, purling the other, my body can do comfortably for a long time.
  3. If I doze off during knitting it won't mess up any patterning.  Thaddeus has seen me snore and knit simultaneously and when that happens, I'm more often than not un-knitting at least a few stitches to re-establish whatever stitch pattern I'm working on.
  4. Requires not color changes and untangling of multiple strands of yarn.
  5. Can be done with a cat lying on half the project.
All in all, I enjoy any kind of knitting, but it's nice to just have mindless knitting to accomplish sometimes.

Current Knitting

Switching back and forth between the top-down raglan pullover and the zippered vest for Thaddeus' Aunt Dorothy.

I have to say, the Madeline Tosh DK is a bit bulkier than most DK's I've used, so this garment is DENSE.  But I will love wearing this when it gets colder

For the Aunt Dorothy vest, I plan on doing a simple band of Fair Isle patterning across the chest...nothing fancy just simple graphics I think.

Current Reading

I just finished reading The Orenda by Joseph Boyden, and I can recommend it highly.

The story of a French missionary's voyage into the Great Lakes area during the early European settlement of North America as seen from his point of view, a native American warrior and tribal leader's viewpoint, and his captured/adopted daughter's viewpoint.  The story is great, the writing is fantastic and I was glad to have gotten to read this.

I've just started reading The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami and Jay Rubin and so far, I'm quite pleased.  It's nice having friends that know what kind of books to recommend to me.

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