Monday, August 10, 2015

QueerJoe Blog Trivia

Every once in a while I take a look at my detailed blog statistics (I always look at my weekly number of blog hits, because I'm a hit-whore...but sometimes I look at the details).  I found some things I thought folks might find interesting.

For as long as I've been tracking blog traffic, here are the international sources of hits to the blog over the years:

  It's also kind of fun to see what kind of Search Engine terms viewers have used to get to QueerJoe.  Here's a list of some of my favorites:

Seriously?  Six hits from "pet skunks"?  I imagine it must come from this post about some roving I own, but honestly, I don't see this listed in the 20 first pages of a "pet skunks" search. I guess I should be glad that "dirty underwear" is off the list of search terms.

Finally, here are the most common sites (other than Google or my own URL's that refer people to my blog:

Jean Miles shows up twice with the highest number of referrals (thanks Jean!) followed by the ever-handsome Asplundknits.  Then a large number of hits from Megan's interesting blog based on my Earflap Hat she linked to back in December of 2009.  Clearly Franklin doesn't mention me anywhere near enough on his blog, otherwise my hits from him would clearly be through the roof!

Current Knitting
Nothing to show since the last blog post, but I have been doing a bit of knitting on both the Tosh sock and the Milano blanket.

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