Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Ravelympics Day 5

It's day 5 and I'm still going strong!

I am making good progress on my Lush and Lacy Cardigan.

The back has been completed!

Oh... I finished one of the pockets too, but didn't bother to photograph it. :)

I decided to go ahead and use up the yarn that I had originally purposed for this sweater. Elsebeth Lavold Angora. Yes, I happen to like this crazy shade of green.

So far, I love making this cardigan. The lace panels keep it interesting, and since the pattern is worked on a US size 9 needle, it is going fast!

I have been seriously neglecting my blog lately and I have several projects to share.
One is finished and two more have been cast on.

This week I plan to post every other day to catch up. ...hopefully...

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