For over 2 decades, I've had my checking and savings account at the same bank...or should I say the same bank building. In total, my accounts have been at four separate banks in those 20 or so years. I decided it was time to change my accounts over to a local bank (who have NO plans to sell, merge, acquire, etc.).
Worth Doing
It was a pain changing banks from one of those huge, to-big-to-fail national banks (which is the latest iteration of the bank where my money used to reside), to a local bank, owned and run by local banking professionals, but in my estimation, it is still worth doing.
In fact, I would highly recommend that everyone consider doing it.
The switchover required a number of changes:
- Changing direct-deposit accounts with both mine and Thaddeus' work
- Switching over direct-debit billing for a couple of accounts
- Changing my PayPal direct access
- Changing the account for my reitrement investments to interface with the new account
- Learn a new on-line bill-paying system
- I had to maintain a higher minimum balance to get free accounts with on-line bill-paying (honestly, for me, this had no impact, but it might have impacted some)
- My checking account is no longer interest-bearing (VERY little loss on this one)
- No nationwide availability of ATM machines, so I may have to pay fees more often to take out cash whilst traveling
I know I'm slow to the punch on this issue...most of the folks that were fed up with the free-wheeling national banks have already moved their money to local banks. But I'm still quite glad I was able to do my part.
Current Knitting
Completed a bit more on the Milano blanket.
And also got a bit more done on the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Socks for Women Who Fucking HATE Pink.
A bit here, a bit there and soon I'll have a pair of awesome socks and an even more awesome bed blanket.
Perseverance pays
Readers' Comments/Questions
Barb Brown writes, "I do like the colours in that blanket. Speaking of blankets..... did you ever finish the 'coffin cover'????"
Nope...still sitting in a project bag downstairs. I'm sure that baby will keep my corpse nice and warm!
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