Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Lacy Beast

I just finished my very first lace shawl design and I am feeling over the moon.
Not just because I designed it. But because it is finally. off. my. needles. And because I didn't kill anyone in the process of creating this lacy beast.

This shawl was ripped out and re-knit so many times that I lost count. Or at least I have repressed the memory. Being the lazy and over confident knitter that I sometimes can be, I could not be bothered with putting in lifelines. Instead I fearlessly shoved hundreds of lacy stitches off of the needles, ripped back and tediously had to feed all of those tiny yarn overs and decreases back onto my circular needle... over and over and over again.

Several times I wanted to give up. Several times I wanted to disown this project.
But in the end, I kept with it. I conquered the beast. The battle has been fought and won.

Hopefully my pain will result in your knitting joy. 
Look for this pattern in my upcoming book, Botanical Knits 2!

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