Saturday, January 17, 2015

Education, Education, Education

I've always contended that the most important aspect to the success of a community or even a country, is the quality of education delivered to its children.

Fixes a Myriad of Problems

When the education system works, it has the ability to bring communities out of poverty, to decrease joblessness, to diminish illicit drugs and to significantly reduce crime.  Investing in education is the best long-term strategy for everyone, and despite being one of the platforms the President ran on, it doesn't seem like he's had the bandwidth to give it much attention.

That's too bad.

But when it comes to education, I'm starting to wonder what aspects are relevant any more.  The grammarians in most of my social networking sites are all about there, their, they're and your and you're.
And I even mentioned recently how much I hate reading sentences such as, "When it comes to playing sports with my brothers, I hate to loose."

But how important is grammar...more important than understanding what it means to call someone a nazi?  More important than understanding the importance of a book like Lord of the Flies?  More important than instilling patriotism or integrity or compassion?  So many important decisions to be made about what goes into the heads of our youth, I can't imagine we can accomplish it without some big investments to attract the kind of teachers we want interacting with our children.

Perhaps climate change and the debt are more important.

Current Knitting

I've been continuing to work on the broken rib scarf using the Bison/Milk Product yarn blend I spun a little while ago.

Not too much further to go...and let me tell you, this scarf might not look like much, but it is as soft as you could imagine.  I'm loving working with this yarn.

Readers' Comments/Questions

A number of readers asked how I blocked the Milano Blanket.

I just soaked it in my washing machine and spun out the excess water.  Then I covered the guest bed with towels and laid the blanket out on the bed, folding up the sides so it didn't stretch.  I guess I could have just folded it in quarters and blocked it that way too.

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