Saturday, January 24, 2015

Smock Coat progress and a half naked stand mixer

I've been working on my Debbie Bliss Smock Coat exclusively since my last post and I've made some progress but oh boy is it slow going! I am determined to finish it before my self inflicted knitting deadline of February 1st! I'm going to be so extremely excited to finish this thing up!

I've now finished the two sleeves, two fronts, and a good portion of the back.
It stopped pouring long enough for me to take a quick photo of the work in progress.
Unfortunately due to all of this fantastic Smock Coat progress I've really neglected this stand mixer cover that I am making for a customer. I was doing so well knitting 2 rounds a day slowly but surely getting it done, but then I went on a Smock Coat rampage and the poor stand mixer cover has got no attention whatsoever.

Im about halfway there though...

(I am copying a knitted tea cozy that she has already.)

In other knitting news I made a hat a few weeks ago and forgot to say anything about it. I made it for a ski trip and it was so nice and warm.

The pattern name is Cosima from the book Hip Knit Hats. It was made from Tahki Bunny. I used 2 skeins and size 9 needles. It knit up really fast! I completed it in 1 day!

I think that Ava should be my hat model from now on, because I think that hats don't look very flattering on me!

Oh yes.... and I started another new project a few weeks back!

I know, I know, but this is different ok! It is a basic sock (using the formula off of this blog) that I don't have to look at to knit. I'm keeping it in the car to knit (when Im a passenger of course), and at the movie theatre. I've done pretty good on it so far, only 2 minor yarn splitting mistakes! Pretty good for knitting in the dark!

I'm knitting it out of Twisted Sisters sock yarn. I cant remember the name exactly, I cant find the label. I believe its called Zazu in fingering weight. I am using size 0 needles.

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