Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Goal Oriented

Dedicated knitters always seem to be very goal-oriented, so it should be no surprise that I finished a goal I set for myself sometime last year.

Series Complete
My niece is a HUGE Harry Potter fan and is convinced that she will someday be married to Daniel Radcliffe. She's certainly beautiful enough but I fear she may be the wrong gender for that.

At any rate, she has encouraged me all along to finish reading the Harry Potter 7-book series. I just finished the final book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

I am happy to say I am glad to have completed this goal, but I fear I will also miss getting a bit lost in the stories of Harry, Ron, Hemione and the rest of the crowd.

Current Knitting
I picked up the most conveniently stored WIP this past Monday when I left for the week for work.

This is the Kureyon Sock I don't even remember having started. Previously, I had gotten up past the heel turning, but I found the sock was too short, and I had to go back and rip out and re-do the heel. So I'm moving along.

Home In Bloom
It's been a long time since my orchid has bloomed, and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to show off its beauty.

Here it is in its new natural setting.

These little plants truly are amazingly beautiful.

Latest Roving Acquisition
I could have never hoped for a better fiber club to have joined. When Carol announced her Black Bunny Fiber fiber club, I jumped at the chance, and I have always been thrilled to have gotten in from the beginning. This installment is no exception.

The roving is naturally tannish colored Coopworth wool, which Carol has masterfully overdyed with gorgeously rich colors.

When I next start spinning again, I am going to have a number of choices in amazing fiber and even more amazing colors to choose from.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Lindy asks, "What did you think of the SOTU address?"

I didn't get to see the presidents State of the Union Address last night, as I had a work dinner to attend. Seeing some of the clips this morning, I have gotten back a bit of hope, but I still believe that our system may actually be irreparably broken. Funny enough, I did get the chance to watch some live blogging about the new Apple iPad during the unveiling yesterday, and I was pretty underwhelmed.

It's an oversized iPhone without any phone.

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