Thursday, January 29, 2015

Lesser-Known Literary Channels

It seems a lot of knitters are extremely well-read and I also have a good friend that works in the rare books section of Princeton University's library (Firestone Library), so I'm fortunate to be exposed to a number of literary vehicles I might not otherwise have chanced upon.


The first one of those items is an amazing quarterly literary (kind of) magazine called Lapham's Quarterly.

Each quarter, this publication (for lack of a better term) focuses on a particular subject, Death, The Sea, Medicine, and obviously comedy.  My friend at the library gave me a subscription for this year, and I've just started into the first issue, and it's wonderful.

The second wonderful thing about being around literary folk, is getting interesting and good book recommendations.  My latest book recommendation I've received was for Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan.

I read it while on vacation, and just loved the story and the characters.  The writing I found to be a bit sophmoric, but not in a way that interfered with my enjoyment of the book.

Maybe some of you already knew about these two items, but if you didn't I thought you should.

Current Knitting/Crocheting

I've only added one vertical row of connecting crochet to Nico's Granny Square blanket.

If you can't tell from the photo, it's the bottom row (I guess that's a horizontal row in the photo, but I consider it a vertical row on the blanket).

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