Monday, June 22, 2015

A Scarf With Scalloped Shapes In The Front.

Free scarf knitting for beginners at is generally simple and easily understandable. If you practise regularly, your skill level will increase.

With this scarf you can easily choice of colors that best fits your personality.
As far as I'm concerned, the best color is blue- - the color of the sky, ocean, sleep, twilight. Using blue to relax will encourage feelings of communication and peace. Most of my garments are dark blue or light green

(Multiple of 9 sts + 8)
Note:  Due to the nature of this pattern, the number of sts will vary from row to row.  The number given at the end of each row is the number of sts you will have after completing that row.
Row 1 (RS):  K2, * k in front, back, front then back of next st (4 sts made from 1), p2, (k1, p2) twice, rep from * once more, end k in front, back, front then back of next st, p2, k3 – 35 sts.
Rows 2 and 4:  K2, * p1, k2, (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, p1, k2, rep from * once more, end p1, k2, (k1, yo) 4 times, k2 – 47 sts.
Rows 3 and 5:  K2, * (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, (k1, p2) twice, rep from * once more, end (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, k3 – 35 sts.
Row 6:  K2, * p1, k2, p4 tog, k2, p1, k2, rep from * once more, end p1, k2, p4 tog, k2 – 26 sts.
Row 7:  K2, * k1, p2, k in front, back, front then back of next st (4 sts made from 1), p2, k1, p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, k in front, back, front, then back of next st, k2 – 35 sts.
Rows 8 and 10:  K2, * (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, (p1, k2) twice, rep from * once more, end (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, p1, k2 – 47 sts.
Rows 9 and 11:  K2, * k1, p2, (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, k1, p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, k2 – 37 sts.
Row 12:  K2, * p4 tog, k2, (p1, k2) twice, rep from * once more, end p4 tog, k2, p1, k2 – 26 sts.
Row 13:  K2, * (k1, p2) twice, k in front, back, front then back of next st (4 sts made from 1), p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, k3 – 32 sts.
Rows 14 and 16:  K2, * (p1, k2) twice, (k1, yo) 4 times, k2, rep from * once more, end (p1, k2) twice – 40 sts.
Rows 15 and 17:  K2, * (k1, p2) twice, (drop the yo, k1) 4 times, p2, rep from * once more, end k1, p2, k3 – 32 sts.
Row 18:  K2, * (p1, k2) twice, p4 tog, k2, rep from * once more, end (p1, k2) twice – 26 sts.
Rep these 18 rows.
Make rings first to make sure you have enough yarn.
RINGS (Make 2):  With crochet hook, work in sc around ring, join with a sl st.  Fasten off.
With straight needles, cast on 26 sts.  Work even in Diagonal Blister St until almost all of yarn is gone, end on WS with either Row 6, Row 12 or Row 18 of pat st.  Bind off.  Draw both ends of scarf through rings.  Adjust for look you want.

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