Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Bejeweled Blitz

In college, part of my financial assistance for attending was getting to work at the local student center to supplement my income.  I spent most of that supplemented income on pinball and video games, including one of my favorites, Galaxian.

Facebook Games

I've tried out a few games on Facebook...Diner Dash, Words with Friends, Zuma Blitz, and Bejeweled Blitz.  Only one of them has captured my time and attention...Bejeweled Blitz.

The game has three components that I find completely compelling:

  1. Colorful matching game
  2. It's timed for maximum excitement
  3. Allows me to compete with others (you'll not I'm at the top of my leader board in the screen print)
The last component...the competition aspect was the most compelling of all...especially when my older brother started to play.  It became a weekly mission to beat his score every week, and most weeks I did exactly that.  He doesn't play much anymore, but I still enjoy trying to top the leader board every week.

Friend me on Facebook and give me some competition!

Current Knitting/Crochet/Spinning

Knitting - made some headway on the socks I'm working on.  They seem to fit Thaddeus perfectly.
Crochet - almost finished the Interlocking Crochet Scarf and even drafted a pattern for it.
Spinning - came up with an expeditious way of plying the multi-color BFL...almost finished that too.

Photos in my next blog entry of at least the crochet.

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