Monday, June 8, 2015

World Wide Knit in Public Day (WWKIPD)

Today is WWKIPD (actually, it's all week, but then it would be WWKIPW and that's just too many "W's").

Purpose of Public Displays of Knitting

Originally, World Wide Knit in Public Day was organized and started in 2005 by Danielle Landes. The idea was to create a way for making the individual and solitary act of knitting (usually) into a group activity so knitters could come together and enjoy each other's company. At the same time, it was to make knitting a little more "in-your-face" to non-knitters.  As a queer man, I understand the need to be a little "in-your-face" sometimes.

By designating a specific day to take your knitting public, a number of  local events were established to allow a more social and public expression of our passion.

From a men's knitting perspective, I find that WWKIPD can help some of our knitting brethren "come out" so to speak as knitters.  It gives them the protection of a group of knitters doing something publicly, and allows them to get a taste for what it feels like.  Hopefully it also encourages them to take out their knitting on the train or plane when no other knitter are around.

Current Knitting/Crochet

Just gathering up a collection of all my WIP's for the last blog post took up a lot of my time.  They are kind of dispersed all over the house in various bags, closets, nooks and crannies.

But I was able to add another row or two onto the Interlocking Crochet Scarf.

I think most people that know how to crochet, could easily figure out how to make this scarf, but I'll probably end up posting a pattern for it at one point and possible a video of how I work on this garment.  I'm honestly afraid that one of my real-crocheter friends will see my video and comment something like, "Didn't you realize you could have done this MUCH more easily by....", but that's always the risk I take making my work public.

Readers' Comments/Questions

About all the WIP's I will never finish, Sean writes, "honey, rip those things you know you will never finish. It's so liberating!"

I plan on doing just that...I also plan on organizing my stash and cleaning up my crafting area and destashing some of the yarns or rovings I will never use...I want to be oh-so-liberated!

Ted asks, "What's the pattern for the cashmere shawl in estonian patterns?"

I'm pretty sure it's a pattern stitch from Haapsalu Shawls, one of  my favorite lace books.  And I'm pretty sure it even has nupps in it, but I honestly can't recall.  When I pick this project back up to finish it, I'll let you know more.

Any of the knitters who enjoy knitting lace, or want to start, Haapsalu Shawls is one of the most beautiful books to be inspired by.  I know it's a bit expensive, but it's worth every penny.

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