Saturday, June 6, 2015

Latest Gems I Didn't Know About

I have recently come upon two amazing knitting books, that I either didn't know existed, or didn't realized how chock-full of great stuff they had.

Simply Socks and Weekend Knitting
Do you ever get to a point in your knitting where you just think "There couldn't possibly be anything more I care to learn about this craft?"

Yeah, me too...and then two amazing knit designers/authors blow my mind with information or patterns that I can't imagine I could have missed in my 25 or so years of knitting.

Why didn't anyone tell me?

Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy

Simple Socks: Plain and Fancy by Priscilla Gibson-Roberts is one of the most thoroughly researched documents on sock design and is one of those books every knitter should have in their library. With other books, like Knitting In The Old Way, I should have figured this book would be equally as important for a knitter, but it somehow escaped me.

Weekend Knitting: 50 Unique Projects and Ideas

The other book, Weekend Knitting by Melanie Falick I guess isn't quite so much a "must have" in a knitter's library as it is a surprise. I was quite pleased to see a number of designs that I would actually make, including soft-boiled egg I don't each soft-boiled eggs, but I may actually start given that I know I can make cute little sweaters for them! I also need to find myself a nice set of hard-boiled egg holders too I guess.

This last book, I found for a US$1 at my local flea market (in hardback), and it was well worth the price.

Current Knitting
I wove in all the ends of the last pair of socks, made progress on the new pair of socks and also started a new lace project!

Yes, quite a busy knitting weekend.

The new socks, if you'll remember, I hadn't even finished the toe of the first toe-up knit sock. Here's where I am now.

I love how this yarn looks like someone spattered dyes by accident on the various gives the knitted fabric a really cool look.

I also started the Baby Blanket from Heirloom Knitting.

This is just one side of a mitered outer section of the blanket. If I've scanned the pattern correctly, I think I make four of these and then do the center panel and then the edging. I'm loving working with this color's slightly mottled, but not enough to interrupt the stitch/lace patterning.

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