Tuesday, June 30, 2015

How Am I Doing?

Remember at the beginning of the year, I actually made a few New Year's resolutions...what was I thinking?

Half Year Status Update

Just like the good corporate citizen I am, where I review my annual work goals with my boss at the mid-year period, I thought it would be a good idea to do the same for my New Year's resolutions.  Here's where we are:
  1. Read The Hunger Games Trilogy
    1. Status - Complete
  2. Watch The Hunger Games
    1. Status - Complete
  3. Finish the Blanket/Coffin Cover project
    1. Status - Made minimal progress...now that the blogathon is over, I can pick it up again
  4. Travel overseas
    1. Status - No progress on this yet and nothing in the foreseeable future
  5. Get down to 190 pounds and stay below 195 all year
    1. Status - went the wrong way on this one and just hit 200 for the first time in years
  6. Grow at least one kind of vegetable
    1. Status - this was a bad idea, because it required Thaddeus to participate...he won't
  7. Blog an average of at least twice a week (and yes, this one counts!)
    1. Status - With the successful blogathon, I think I'll meet this goal handily
  8. Thank someone daily
    1. Status - either in person or via e-mail or phone call, this has definitely been happening
Honestly, I'm still glad I set some goals for myself this year, even though I won't meet them all.  And it's even nice to have a chance to publicly assess them.  With the most recent Supreme Court ruling, I may soon be adding marriage as a goal.

The blogathon has also prompted me to do a bit more fiber work than I might have without it.  A pretty impressive month, no?

Current Reading

I think I've discussed here my feelings about The Hunger Games Trilogy...it was okay...I thought it had a compelling plot that make me want to keep reading, but I also thought it was either not extremely good writing, or it was dumbed down for a younger audience (which I always think is a bad idea).

Lately, I've been reading Pearl S. Buck...her Good Earth trilogy.  I just finished the second book and if you've never read this, it's well worth reading.  Can't wait to read the third book now.

Readers' Comments/Questions

Thanks to those of you who added me to your various social networks.  I've added a number of new Facebook Friends, RavKnitFriends, Google+ Knitting Circle Friends, Twitter Followers and Pinners on Pinterest.  I'm no Franklin Habit, but I can aspire.

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