Sunday, June 28, 2015

What?!? Me Worry?

Shit My Friend Charles Says
A friend of ours has some great expressions, and I have no idea whether they're his or not...I doubt he does either.

One of my faves, is "Don't worry about anything money can fix."

I have always said that money does not buy fact I bet if there were some way of quantifying happiness, that there would be more unhappy rich people than unhappy poor people.

However, I can say that not having money can also cause an enormous amount of stress. If someone is living paycheck to paycheck and sometimes has to worry where the rent/mortgage money is going to come from, or whether they can afford to pay for their kid's allergy medications, it can't make for an easy life.

I just heard that next year in the U.S., Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts can not be used to pay for over-the-counter medications (unless you have a prescription from your doctor for it). What kind of bullshit is that? Just another way to make it more difficult or impossible for folks to keep up.

I always love how many ways there are to increase taxes without being labeled as a politician that "increased taxes."

Current Knitting
I ended up finishing the back of the Malabrigo Silky Merino pullover this past weekend, and started the front section.

I noticed there is quite a difference in color in one of the skeins used on the back, but I'm going to completely ignore it and call it a design element based on the kettle dyeing techniques.

I also felt I must start the scarf in the latest issue of Spin-off Magazine.

I'm using what I think is handspun from probably Black Bunny Fiber roving...but honestly, I'd have to look back in my blog posts to figure it out. The picture shows two pattern repeats, and I'm liking it a lot.

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