Friday, June 26, 2015

Interlocking Crochet Scarf Pattern and Video

I decided to publish the Interlocking Crochet Scarf and put it for sale on Ravelry, with all proceeds going to the Men's Spring Knitting Retreat scholarship fund.

Lets You Decide

Fortunately, anyone who knows a little about crochet probably already knows how to make this scarf, or could at least figure it out pretty easily.

The following video tutorial on how I interlock the color stripes will make it even easier (and the video also gives readers the chance to hear/see what I look like if you didn't already know):

Mostly, I just wanted to give folks the opportunity to contribute to the scholarship fund, so if you'd really love the pattern and would prefer not contribute, I'd be glad to send you a copy via e-mail.

Current Knitting

I decided to start another Interlocking Crochet Scarf, using mostly Koigu this time.

You'll note that I do have one ball of non-Koigu (it's Trekking XXL in my favorite color) and while I only have 3 1/2 stripes finished, the colors are mixing beautifully.

Readers' Comments/Questions

Regarding the British Romney plying I'm doing, Seanna Lea writes, "I like the plying. It is a beautiful color combination and looks very versatile. Is it going to be a lace weight or fingering weight when you are done? It is hard for me to tell on the bobbin, but it appears fine."

Looks like it's going to be a little heavier than fingering weight and a little lighter than DK/Sport...Lightweight DK probably.  Once it's finished, I'll measure the length and the weight to come up with the "grist" weight and let y'all know.

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