Monday, April 27, 2015


Going from one extreme, of being totally connected at all times through my laptop, wireless access and my BlackBerry, to having to fight Thaddeus to get access to my e-mail, has got me jittery.

Is It A Sign of Addiction...
...when I twitch and grab at my pocket, trying to see the latest e-mail or Facebook entry that has come through, only to realize that I'm BlackBerry-less for at least 2 weeks?

No need to answer this question...I think I know the answer.

My new job starts on May 10th, but today was my last day at my old company. Since I relied entirely on my work laptop and BlackBerry, I'm feeling a bit disconnected and disconcerted now that I've had to turn both in, and won't get them from my new company for almost two weeks.

Just don't get too irritated if I'm slower to respond to a critical e-mail than I used to be.

Current Knitting
I am finally finished with all the color-blocks on the Zaire pullover...both front and back.

Now I just need to do the shoulders and sleeves and collar, but I have to admit, the instructions for the shoulder have be a bit perplexed. They just don't seem correct, but I will re-check once I get back to this project.

I did start on a little thank-you gift for one of the staff of the retreat center where we have the Men's Knitting Retreat. He has been extremely helpful, and I thought he might like a nice pair of fingerless gloves, so I started on them today.

I'll post a picture of them when they at least have finger holes.

Belated Kiwi Gifts
My adorable friend James sent a lovely package all the way from New Zealand. I'm sure he sent it prior to my birthday, but it just arrived last's a long way from the other side of the planet.

He knows how appreciative I am that I actually got one of the give-away bags for his New Zealand Mens' Knitting Retreat. The project bag is perfect, and the amazing amount of stuff he filled it with is incredible.

He also sent along a hank of his own hand-dyed sock yarn (sorry, no picture), but it's in my favorite colors of deep, saturated blues and greens and reds...just gorgeous.

Readers' Comments/Questions
Regarding my Microsoft love-post, Marilyn writes, "SharePoint is one of MS's finest products. Have you ever used it?"

I don't think I have, although I have used a number of content management softwares at various clients, and it seems like one of those programs that corporations re-name when they roll it out, so I may have used it under a different name, but I can't be sure.

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