Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Movie Recommendation

It's not often that I see a movie that I think is exceptional in many ways that I think others will enjoy as much as I did, but the other day, I saw one of them.

For folks that can't tolerate very personal violence portrayed in a movie, this one is definitely not for you...even I found a couple of the scenes to be quite shocking.

The movie is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo...a Swedish film (original title Män som hatar kvinnor, which I think means "Men Who Hate Women," which I also think is a MUCH better title...in fact, the English title of the movie was the only thing I objected to about the movie).

The casting and acting was exceptional, the story was...well, thrilling...it is a thriller after all and the cinematography was nothing short of perfect. In addition to having all the excellent components, the movie comes together into a masterpiece.

If only my sweaters were as superlative.

Current Knitting
I finished the last square on the front of the Zaire pullover, and have really only just started on the upper two rows of squares on the back.

I also decide with some recent travel to finally finish the Asherton Scarf by Smariek on Ravelry. I got about halfway through one of the 36 row repeat and realized I had misread the instructions so I had to rip it all out.

I have no knitting progress to speak of!

Readers' Comments/Questions
Mark (BklnQ) writes, "Sour cherries? Where do you find sour cherries? Don't they come in a can?"

Yes, they can sometimes come in a can, and they are getting harder and harder to find fresh anymore. Shortly (in May, I think) the sour cherries are harvested, and we are able to find fewer and fewer of them at our local orchards here in Bucks County. I was glad to hear that one of our favorite orchards just told Thaddeus that they planted 20 more sour cherry trees...just not sure how quickly they'll yield cherries!

Shauna writes, "Please don't lump us (conservatives/Republicans) all in with the radical fringe who don't represent the majority of us."

Thanks Shauna...I know there are very concerned and civil citizens who also hold conservative viewpoints. I appreciate your response. It really just frightens me that so many of the conservatives seem to be encouraging the hate...glad you have not been swayed by them.

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